Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Group Cell (SDEG)

SEDG Cell has been established to ensure that students belonging to Socio-Economically Disadvantaged Groups (SEDGs) have a safe and secure environment and equitable access to quality education in the Higher Educational Institutions (HEIS), as specified in the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 of GOI.

SDEG Committee

  1. Ashwani Kumar           (Principal )

    Mob: 8002854599


2. Inamul Haque.              (Educational Director)


Member, Secretary

4. Nobel Kumar Gupta      (Assistant Professor & Member of SGRC )



3.Shobha Sriwastawa       (Assistant Professor & Member of SGRC)

   Mobile: 8873607050


4. Neha Kumari  (Student B.Ed. 1st year )

Member (Representativ Schedule Tribe Students)

5. Archana Kumar  (Student B.Ed. 2nd Year    )                                            

Member (Representative of physically)