About Us

Secretary's Message

I deem it a great privilege to remain associated with Shams Teachers Training College ,Katahari Sathi West Champaran  since its inception. I am extremely happy that this pioneer. institution is completing its 10th year.

  Obaidur Rahman
    ( Secretary)

About our college/ Trust

Yusuf Educational & Welfare Trust is a public charitable Trust and non profit organisation registered by Govt. of Bihar under trust registration Act founded by Er. Obaidur Rahman in 2012 has been active in the field of education and social awareness throughout Bihar

Shams Teachers Training College is a co-education educational institution with a permanent recognition from National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) Govt. of India and affiliation from MMHA&P university  & Bihar School Examination Board , Patna ,Bihar. 2f and 12B is under process.

Aims And Objective

The main aim of this Teacher’s Training College is to achieve highest standard of excellence in personalised training of youths and evaluation to become motivated teacher who will be intellectually competent ,morally upright socially committed and spiritually inspired.

  1. To eradicate illiteracy from the poor ,socially ,educationally & economically weaker section  by providing them opportunity for their upliftment.
  2. To produce responsive ,sensible and better skilled manpower to cater the need of advance and modern educational concern of the country.
  3. To make efforts to maintain the strength en the sense of common brotherhood and peaceful co-existence with mutual co-operation ,having regards for all the citizens on equal footing among the inhabitants of our secular nation.


Faculty of our institution are highly qualified , committed ,devout ,discipline and dedicated in their work with a sound professional outlook and experience. 

Management is also encouraging the teachers to attend all periods, workshop s and seminars punctually.  

Every faculty is friendly to their students  and are willing to help them and regularly encourage them to improve their qualities. 


We have a very beautiful  infrastructure  built for overall Development of our students. We have a library with very rich content of books magazins. Modernised Labs ,  sports club, indoor games and outdoor games unit, Auditorium , Canteen and many more things.


Our college is situated in Village -Katahari ,Collage Road ,  P.O & P.S -Sathi ,District -West Champaran. Pincode  845449

it is at distance of 16km from Narkatiyaganj railway station , at 1Km from Sathi railway station and at 25Km distance from bettiah.

The college is well connected by road and railways.


Our college is not NAAC,NBA or NIRF accredited.